Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Training, in fact Lifestyle is like a Library.

Building your personal Library you due-diligently continue to add books - that then provide you with the satisfaction and enjoyment that at any moment in time you can pick one up and read or refer to it.

Training is the same - you accumulate fitness, health and skills - that at any point in time you can refer to for fun and enjoyment.

1. Acquiring a "Book" requires effort
a.) In the training analogy - acquiring a book requires the effort to broach your THRESHOLD INTENSITY!

2. It's then really fun and enjoyable once it's in your Library

Do you have a magnificent 'library' and the option of a fantastic lifestyle - that lets you enjoy any activity (ie. books!)
do you have a very limited number of books - that limit your imagination, fun and reduce any inspiration to galvanize you to further echelon's?

Build an amazing Library and enjoy the magnificence of optimum lifestyle

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