Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Cash is King, Health is Emperor!

In these continuing tumultuous times - lessons become more glaring and impacting.

1. A foundation to the current challenges on the Financial markets is cash.
a.) Either the lack of it, and the subsequent lack of confidence by institutions to lend
b.) Or the sumptuous of it, and the skillful purchase of stock/equity at very low cost to reap vast opportunity of reward

2. Warren Buffett is in the latter, and is further enhancing his status as the world's richest man - with his adept and skillful purchase of current stocks - eg. his $5 billion+ purchase of Goldman Sachs stock - which i'm sure will reap huge return in the future.

So Cash is KING!

Beautifully, Health is EMPEROR
3. The foundation to total enjoyment of anyone's lifestyle is a bedrock of Health.

4. Are you seeing the lesson in today's Financial challenges, that also mirror into your Lifestyle
a.) And the simple solution attributed to a wonderful health

5. It takes a more long-term view (just like actually saving some cash) - but reaps endless reward.

6. Think of each quality training session, as a savings account with compound interest.
a.) It seems a little intimidating at first, but very quickly the results (savings) amount, and you have a fabulous and sturdy solution to handle all challenges.

7. Your health & fitness is your CORE to an optimum lifestyle.

8. Rejoice with the lesson, and bound onwards to the oasis of fun, happiness and success in the near future

Start quality training NOW.

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