Monday, June 18, 2012

the week ahead!

Got Monday Blues?
now you know...

"The Saxon Deities give their names to the days of the week:
Sunna (Sunday),
Mona (Monday),
Tiw (Tuesday),
Woden (Wednesday),
Thuner (Thursday),
Friga (Friday),
Seatern (Saturday)."

"Sunna and Mona represent the sun and the moon; Seatern (Saetern) the anglicized name of the Italian harvest god. In Norse mythology, Woden or Odin is the sky god, patron of culture, and the inventor of runes. Friga is his wife, queen of the gods and the goddess of married love; she is thought to have become assimilated with Freya, another wife of Odin and goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. Thuner or Thor, a son of Odin, is the god of thunder, famed for his hammer -- the thunderbolt -- which always returned to him after being hurled as a weapon. Tiw, or Tyr, another son of Odin, is the Norse god of war."

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