Monday, December 8, 2008


Going through a fresh phase of hiring staff at the moment - as we expand the pineapple planet.

1. A question that frequently comes up is "how much do i get paid an hour"

2. There's a great quote
"You don't get paid for the hour -- you get paid for the value you bring to that hour"

I'd even go beyond that.

The lowest paid people in the world think that they get paid for the hour of work. That's why they stay low paid. The person who works at the grocery store thinks he's getting paid for the hours they stand there. And until they change that paradigm they'll always be a low paid 'by the hour' worker.

More successful people think they get paid for the value that they create within that time frame.

The most successful people understand that the time spent is irrelevant, it's ONLY the value. So they no longer think in terms of time -- and if they do -- it's in reverse -- that getting the job done faster is worth more.

If I can deliver the perfect training program to get your result in 30 mins, and another coach needs an hour -- am I not worth more? I can deliver the result in half the time that they can - I should be worth at least twice as much.

In training (and in most things - including business) the result is the ONLY thing that matters -- designing programs or charging 'by the hour' is not thinking about value first. I actually pride myself on making the workouts no longer than they need to be. In my opinion doing an extra set is far worse than not doing enough.

ENjiy workouts that work and deliver results. Don't do workouts to fill in a slot of time.

Oh yeah - I think I can achieve much better results (and Safer) in 15 mins than the vast majority on any trainer doing 60-90+ mins training can deliver.
Sign up now - before I'd quadruple prices - remember I giving you better results and in only a quarter of the time!

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