Friday, December 5, 2008

Failure & Success

Is failure a success?

Is failure part of success?

1. We often talk about both.
a.) Muscle failure - can be the ultimate success of a strength training strategy
b.) A level of 'failure' is certainly a part of success - think about any invention, or major breakthrough - has by nature a level of 'failure' as part of the journey towards the Success.

What are your thoughts?

2. Pineapple is based on complete stimulation of muscle fiber.
a.) I like this terminology - as 'muscle failure' can have levels of associated destruction (breakdown of soft tissue...)
b.) Complete stimulation - focusses on the complete work through the muscle fiber, and in the safest (softest) way possible for all other associated tissue.

3. The "Business Journey of Failure"
a.) Yes - this is by-product of profound success.
b.) On the journey - there will be people that will be "failures" - as they reject the immediate benefit and value
c.) On the journey - there will be 'adjustments' to the product to effect a superior result.
d.) In this arena - precise focus on your vision and the emboldened power to continue is the secret.

4. Just like your training
a.) Are you achieving 'complete stimulation' of the muscle areas closely related to your goals?
b.) Are you focussed and emboldened with power to action towards your goals

Get ready for a Bio-Oscillated '09


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