Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pineapple is better than 'Cardio'

Here's the latest hard science fact giving background how we construct the Pineapple training system, and why it ensures you the most effective, efficient workout on the planet

1. A recent study at Truman University by Farrer et al
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research:
April 2010 - Volume 24 - Issue 4 - pp 1034-1036

2. The study looks at the "cardio" effect of swinging Kettlebells in a 12min period
a.) they had free reign to stop when and as many times as possible
b.) ie. it was just intermittent functional exercise

3. Results showed a significant increase in VO2 max (the measurement of cardio performance)

4. The message here: "You don't need to do 'traditional' cardio exercises to increase your 'cardio' performance
a.) You can do any movement - as long as it broaches benefit intensity and threshold

So have fun with your workout

5. From a coaching perspective - the above study further highlight's how poor an option traditional cardio is - with its high-impact, constant repetitive stresses. Constantly hammering and damaging your joints.
Think about the variety of ways your body can move and benefit - that's how you should exercise (with adventure, play and freedom of fun into your body

Juice your Body

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