Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I spent a few moment this morning (post Surf) holding a small rock by the shore.
a.) How hard it was (I slightly stubbed my toe on it initially!)
b.) yet how weathered it was by the effect of the water.

There was this super-hard object, yet it had been molded by the softness of just some water.

To me this is just like QUALITY training!
1. To be hard, you must be molded by softness!
ie. to really get the optimum effect into your muscle, you need a softness applied to your action.

2. Everything should be a harmony - with your muscles powerfully exerting optimum force, and the rest of you soft and in flow
a.) Visualize your favorite world-class performer - and how their performance looks 'soft' as they flow through their movement. (deep down their muscles are 'hard' and working super intensely)

it's the same for all your training. You need to develop the harmony with yourself to ensure the action muscles are working super intensely (hence will give you a muscled and hard physique) - but with a softness that ensure you are not pounding and damaging your body.

Juice-up! Pineapple's unique BIO-OSCILLATION technology ensures you're in a near-weightless state, ie. almost floating - to ensure you a foundation of softness to your movement
(Further practice will optimize this softness - to ensure your hardness!)


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