Sunday, January 25, 2009


“the Iron ore feels itself needlessly tortured as it goes through the furnace.
The tempered blade looks back and knows better”

1. Had a very interesting w'end displaying the Pineapple 'fruit' at The Fit Expo in Los Angeles

2. one of the highlights of the show was the 100 Push-Up challenge
a.) Which we ran concurrently on the PRO and also as an option on the UBER aswell.

3. The most outstanding execution was by Greg Plitt who achieved 98 push-up's on the PRO unit.
a.) Just a little shy of earning himself $1000

4. Could he have done more
a.) I don't think he was lacking motivation!
b.) it was simple fact of his muscle fiber having been recruited and fatigued to his maximum extent
c.) He lived into the moment.
d.) he took himself into the "furnace of intensity"
e.) he couldn't quite look back, with ultimate success
f.) But his attitude - reflects upon the success he is accruing in all areas of his career (

5. Are you living in the moment?

6. Do you effect focus and appetite whilst in different guises of "furnace"

Don't phuck yourself around with BS
Do Pineapple
Enjoy the phenom.
Yes it really is that phantastic
Yes, we really do want you to get and be better.

Juice-Up the Pineapple Express is zooming along

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