Not quite a Protein Apple, but hey look out for a Pineapple Protein product soon!
1. Here's a great secret for you, especially if you're going out for a meal, and are on an weight-loss action plan.
Eat either some Protein or an Apple, just before you leave 'home'
2. Protein: perhaps a shake, or some lean meat/fish/poultry or some jerky.
a.) Protein triggers your brain that you're full. It's a Primal instinct
b.) Signals get sent to you brain, that say you've just hunted and caught something. The message is 'you just caught and started eating a Lion, so hey - chill - you're full - relax
c.) This will keep your hunger strongly subdued - when you're out at the restaurant
d.) Bingo - super easy weight loss control
3. the APPLE!
a.) Well, as you munch into that apple, there's a magic substance in the skin of an apple, called "Pectin' that slows the absorption of sugars into your body
b.) making any carbs you eat less likely to be stored as fat
c.) Super easy weight loss control
d.) Also the good strong chew of an apple - makes your facial muscles fatigue a little, again making you a little less hungry.
4. So the super-easy solution is some jerky and an apple!
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