Your Car or your Body
How much are you spending on your car every month. How much do you spend on your body.
I mean how much do you spend to maintain, and hopefully improve your body.
Your body is one amazing dynamic system: (mind/body)
Yeah… some thought that.
You’re spending a massive amount more on your car! And you know you’re going to get rid of it aswell! Your body is yours for life. ONE and only!
You look at gym membership – and see what will cost the less: Rather than viewing fitness as an investment.
Pineapple: It’s beyond the gym. It’s fitness to the n’th degree.
Infinite opportunity for unlimited increase in fitness and happiness. It’s like putting a turbocharge on your car every day, and having supersonic gas mileage.
...Oh, and the PineappleXpress workout is only 30 mins, plus guaranteed to energize & revitalize instantly.
It’s simply the fusion of caveman movements with space-age technology to give you a different workout every-time and with immediate results.
Effective, Efficient – everytime
It’s the Next level: Pineapple – Fitness to the n’th degree