One of the key essences of life. Hence the economic woes across the planet aiming for stability.
More importantly in my eyes is the 'STABILITY" in your body.
a.) Stable hormonal levels
b.) Stable and balanced mind
c.) Stable structure when you try and move.
1. The last point, has made a real hit with the 'functional' and 'core' training brigade
2. I'd like to extend core training further.
a.) Every style of training (from the super heavy to bodyweight gymnasts) are all intertwined about maintaining stability, so that muscular action can be undertaken without dramatically negative reaction.
3. Pineapple has extended this further, by harnessing the 'power' of instability to further optimize positive reaction in your body.
4. As soon as you are in contact with the Pineapple your spinal column senses a level of instability.
a.) It instantly activates ALL YOUR SYSTEMS to start creating STABILITY
b.) Total Stability: HORMONAL & MUSCULAR - ensuring Mind and Body activity.
5. The ultimate functional design of the Pineapple allows you to challenge your body any which way you want to achieve the goals of your workout.
a.) The Pineapple creates the instability that optimizes the reaction of stability into your body.
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