Wow - seems everyone of the current 'big' shoe manufacturers is getting in on this gig. I was wandering through a sports store yesterday and astonished.
Astonished at the frightening mis-marketing taking place!
1. The message that wearing a pair of these 'toning shoes' is going to transform people into fitness.
a.) Cold hard fact - NO.
Juicy Facts
** It's all about movement. So if these shoes inspire someone into increased movement, then that's a fabulous positive step
** The shoes will actually injure the person in the long-term (and remember fitness is ONLY long-term, you only have one body! Fitness is a life-long journey!)
a.) It shuts down the neuromuscular pathways in their feet, and connections to the rest of their body, eventually causing muscular imbalance, excessive strains - resulting in injury
b.) Unless, of course, the individual used the shoes (because it inspired them to do more) - and then spend additional time doing specific corrective exercises!
c.) Yeah - you know how likely that is!
d.) Plus what inefficient time spent
Get your Juice On.
a.) Natural fitness
b.) in eXpress time
c.) that's fun, and instantly makes your daily actions easier.
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