Friday, September 17, 2010

Fitness is like Brushing your Teeth #2

There's foundation principles, then tools to Optimize

1. Foundation principle is to remove 'dirt/waste' from around your teeth.
a.) You exercise at your teeth from all different angles to 'clean' them

2. Fitness foundation is to work every cell in your body (muscle, brain, blood, bone)
a.) You exercise all the different angles to 'workout'

3. Teeth-brushing you add
a.) Brush
b.) toothpaste
c.) Mouthwash
d.) Floss
(You could just try and use anything as your brush to scrub away at your teeth - but we've discovered an optimum tool a 'toothbrush' etc...)
These optimize the foundation principle. Giving the biggest bang for your buck. Making the process the ultimate in efficiency and effectiveness

Fitness is enjoying a Pineapple revolution now, as everyone is discovering. (You can just do any squat or push-up etc... but everyone is now discovering the addition of a Pineapple product to that foundation exercise)
You can now add
a.) Boxx
b.) Cable-Core
c.) Xbag
d.) UBER / Octopus
Letting you enjoy a workout of every cell in the ultimate efficiency and effectiveness.
Do all the foundation exercise, just have them supercharged with these tools

get your Juice

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