There's a great story - about some researchers from the Univ of Washington, and a study about Context
1. A violin player, with a antique stradivarius was in the Washington subway - playing music
a.) The odd person dropped a $,perhaps $2 into his hat
b.) Only one person - stopped and really admired, and that was a young girl
2. Now this Violin player - wasn't just any violin player - he was the legendary Joshua Bell!
3. After one hour of playing is total income was $32
4. The night before - he had played at the Washington Philharmonic, where gate receipts were 10,000 times more - $300,000!
5. It's all about the context - and how people place the context!
6. The young girl is interesting, because she didn't have any 'affected' context about someone playing music in a subway, and was just open to the sheer magic being played!
7. How do you place your Fitness in Context!
Remember you ONLY have one Body!
I bet you're spending lots more on things you will get rid of in a few years!