Monday, October 20, 2008


Not in the gambling sense! I'm talking about over-stimulation and under-stimulation (which probably still leaves you confused!)

1. In a majority of ways we are 'over-stimulated' (eg. too much info) - and 'under-stimulated' (eg. not achieving greater response or results)

2. I believe enormous amounts of training fall into this category.
a.) Too much volume of training - eg. training for far too long, too many reps, sets ...
b.) Very little result and response in response

3. Success is life - success in training is centered on achieving "threshold intensity'
a.) Getting stimulated that forces the body into a positive adaptation
b.) The stimulus must be high quality - extending beyond what you have experienced before
c.) The length of it is not the key. Achieving the "Threshold" is the key factor.

Following on the from yesterday - a tertiary nature of Pineapple philosophy is "threshold intensity" training
4. Stimulus that gets you results, and not fatigue
5. Stimulus that excites and energizes you, not drains you.


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