What do the so-called experts try and tell you about Fat-Burning, and the elusive "fat-burning" zone that all the Manufacturers of treadmills, steppers etc... have programmed into their machines.
Let's call out the Bullshit...
... Which you know anyway, because YOU, or anyone who does it is no different to when they started!!!
Here's more evidence
Irving et al.
Effect of exercise training intensity on abdominal visceral fat and body composition.
Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2008 Nov;40(11):1863-72.
a.) Group A - No exercise
b.) Group B - Low intensity 60 mins, 5 x week
c.) Group C - High Intensity, 20 mins, 3 x week
Group A and B = NO change
Gp C = significant reduction in FAT
Now not only is Pineapple High intensity, it's also LOW-IMPACT
Get your Pineapple Shake, and start burning FAT
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