Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Everything is really like a big Rheostat.

1. If it's turned right down, you say you can't see anything.
2. Slowly as it's turned on you can see more and more.

Just like in life. The more it "goes on inside you" - the clearer everything becomes.

I often refer this as the "awareness-appreciation-awareness-appreciation" cycle
3. The more aware we become, the more we appreciate, so we become even more aware etc...

Are you turning the rheostat up?

(In all areas of your life?)
*** Pineapple's primary focus is on your health & fitness. Which with the unique Bio-Oscillation technology can activate more muscle and more systems than ever before.
This then becomes the platform for even further "awareness & appreciation" of you yourself and the opportunities that you can achieve to further optimize your life.

Get Juicing

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