A little physiology, to answer alot of questions I get posed
1. There are 639 muscles in the body
2. the biggest is your butt (or "bum" for other english-persons out there!)
a.) Or for those stuck into too many physiology books - "Gluteus maximus" (who isn't a Gladiator or mate of Russell Crowe)
3. The job of a muscle is to move your body. Without muscles you couldn't move your skeleton. There would be no way to action your physical body or even speak your mind. You wouldn't be able to blink, digest your food, breathe, pump your heart or have one for that matter since your heart is a muscle. You couldn't smile, urinate, defecate or sniff with your nose!
a.) "Looks like Muscle is King!"
4. There are 3 types of muscle tissue
a.) Smooth - which is involuntary, ie. it works without your conscious control
b.) Striated - which is voluntary, ie. it works when you tell it to
c.) Cardiac - basically is the heart
5. If you don't use a muscle you will lose it.
a.) muscle is made up of sarcomeres, tiny itsy pieces of the muscle. If these are regularly used, they are LOST!
6. Muscle are spoken to by the Nervous System (NS)
a.) Peripheral NS for conscious control
b.) Central NS for involuntary
Yes - using Pineapple you can exercise all your muscles