Exasperated at how people define Yoga as "Mind-Body' exercise
1. F**c*ing Hell - everything is 'mind-body'
2. We are one amazing dynamic system.
Even the oldest school, metal-head, iron pumping monster is engaging incredible mind-body exercise
a.) Ask any successful bodybuilder - and the tipping point to success, as an intertwined effect into the muscle as it's being trained!
3. let's get over the Bullshit.
a.) You body can only move in certain 'primal' ways
b.) Squat, lunge, push, pull & twist
c.) that's it.
4. There is no magic exercise regime or style
5. THERE IS a secret though
a.) just do all the movements in a balanced way
b.) Plus engage your brain!
6. yeah - it's all mind/body. The killer application is to have enough stimulus to ensure both your brain and body and engaged, plus you have a balance of all the primal movements.
Enjoy - Pineapple: Fitness to the n'th degree. The world's only total Neurokinetic exercise program
a.) Engage every muscle and every system
b.) You just pick your style: fast, slow... whatever
Juice Up
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