Still rolling with the punches from yesterday's Yoga & Yo-Yo's (yeah yo-yo - is mind/body fitness!)
1. Third-Eye speak - which is another prevalence the yoga brigade claim strong ownership over.
2. It's all 'third-eye"
a.) Well - done properly it is.
b.) That's your intuition -your feel for movement
3. All based on increasing your awareness & appreciation
a.) A simple circle that forever increases and enhances to new and next level performance
b.) Awareness - Appreciation
4. here's an interesting fact - A plane traveling cross country is off-course 80% of the time and still makes it to it’s destination because the pilot knows where the destination is, and makes constant corrections.
a.) Do you know what you want to see?
b.) So you can make constant corrections
SECRET : is intuition
So you are aware and appreciative of your movement.
that's Pineapple
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