Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Next-level Fitness

is actually all about thinking "LAST!"

1. Yeah, "LAST" makes you a winner!

2. How many workout's have you done?...exactly...ALOT
a.) How many reps, sets etc.. samething... a helluva lot

3. Now what's going through your brain, and therefore your body as you're doing all that.
a.) ...exactly there's going to be another one

4. So it saves a fair bit, and just puts you into as much automatic as possible.

5. Well you've got to shake it up (Obviously with Pineapple BIO-OSCILLATION we do exactly that)
a.) Stir your brain into the next-level aswell

6. Think that it will be your last!

7. You know the feeling when you're holiday in a magnificent place, and the last few days you really enjoy, because you know they're your last!

That's how you have to create your training
You have to construct every parameter around that

That's Juicing!

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