Wow - what an interesting NFL season here in the US. I reckon there's as many as 20 teams all valid SuperBowl contenders.
What's the key for them, to get to the next level. (I can't tell you, as none of the teams have paid me enough for that priviledge YET!)
But he's some secret's for you!
1) Know your game
It’s hard to win if you don’t know what game you are playing! Yet many folks don’t know. Your game in this sense is the BIG picture of what you are going to do.
2) Design a WINNABLE game
The key to high performance in any game begins with how the game is set up. Often we set ourselves up to fail with fuzzy objectives OR impossible time frames. A winnable game is well thought out and takes into account the whole of your life.
3) Be an IMPACT player
Impact players practice more than they play. And when they play they play to their strengths. To win in your game you must first know the skills that lead to winning then you set up regular practices to improve your skill over time.
4) Play to Win! Always Keep Score
Every game is unique and you need a solid game plan for every game you are playing. You also have to be ready to adapt to the game quickly when your plan is not working!
If you REALLY want to win, you have to prepare yourself for the game. Then after the game, you debrief so that you can be better prepared for the next game. This is a powerful process that only occurs when you separate your work into unique winnable games.
The only way to know if you are winning is to keep score! It is essential to your winning season to set upa score card to track the things that really matter in the game. This includes tracking the activities that lead to results AND the results that you are playing for. By keeping score of each game you get an instant feedback tool.
5) Win the Inner Game
Your thoughts, feelings and emotions have a significant impact on how well you perform in your game. Consider these key points...
Your frameworks (thought patterns) determine the options you see at any moment.
You have a framework for every aspect of life: success, failure, initmacy, money, risk etc.
Every framework you have served you at some time, but it may not be serving you now
With diligence and skill you can upgrade your frameworks to your new game
Feelings of inner conflict are inevitable when you play a bigger game that you are used to
These feelings of inner conflict will block you from taking the actions you need to take
Quite often our inner conflicts are subconscious! We don’t see them but they block our actions
Through careful exploration you can remove the blocks that prevent you from playing your best game
6) Bring Your Game to Life in a Winning Environment
The environment is everything; literally, everything; your home, office, books, family, friends, colleagues, finances, computer, music, spiritual practices, clothes even your body! It’s all part of your environment. Over time your environment becomes a reflection of who you are on the inside. So it is VERY likely that it reflects the games you’ve played in the past.
7) Build a Winning Team
It is VERY hard to win when you are playing alone! This is a profound truth in the new age of games. To play your best, you need to surround yourself with others who are ALSO playing thier best game while supporting YOU. Then your best game supports and inspires others. It’s a beautiful thing. In this world, even when you lose a game it can be inspiring. Because you see how well others are playing together and that inspires you to play better and build your team to be even stronger.