yeah - that's all life is.
1. We want to do what we want
2. Think about it carefully, that's precisely what everything comes down to.
a.) Plus remember if you don't look after yourself first, you can't help/assist anyone or anything else on the planet.
3. I think the ultimate form of life is Philanthropy - but you have to sort yourself out first!
How do you workout?
a.) do you do what you want?
b.) or do you follow some pre-orchestrated guide
You'd love to do what you want - but feel frightened is it right or wrong
Bollocks to that
* Play!
* Remember what is was like when your were a child
* Look at pets and animals
* They al just PLAY
That's how Pineapple is designed.
*Adventure with your body
* Play
Now - we're always here to optimize with guidelines
a.) Ie. benefit Intensity and sweet-spot
But the essence - is to empower you to flourish your intuition, and enjoying playing with your fitness.
Get your JUICE
the world's most effective and efficient fitness
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