Darwinism - 'Survival of the Fittest" theory.
Fitness Darwinism
1. Mind & Body Harmony
2. Growth
3. Non-Inflammatory
Fueled by energy & strength
1. Mind & Body Harmony - comes from initially understanding we are completely connected. We are a complex sum of dynamic systems.
Everything is interelated, and appreciating this fact further enhances awareness of that.
a.) Functional fitness has erupted from this basis. With whole body & natural movement
2. Growth - Nothing is ever stationery. If it's not growing it's dying.
a.) Continuous growth is not only exciting, but stimulating and flourishes mind & body - our whole being and existence
3. Non-Inflammatory - Essential for both our bodies and the world around us, to allow perpetual flourish into the future and beyond.
a.) Low impact effect on our joints
b.) Rejuvenating hormones released into our bodies
c.) "green effect" into our surrounding and interactive environment
d.) Reducing foods that can cause inflammation (ie. refined carbs)
The secret is high-intensity, low-impact natural movements with a diet of naturally produced foods
Working Mind & Body
Developing cell growth
Without inflammation
Pineapple is THE solution - activating and amplifying cell function to optimum level
It is the Evolution of Training
... Welcome to Fitness Darwinism
Shake n' Juice